Hibiscus tiliaceous L.
Tall tree, upto 20 m high, deliquescent
branched, evergreen plant with mucilaginous latex.
Tap roots deep sunken, without any aerial
Stem solid, woody, terete, green, glabrous,
whitish dust on young shoots, infrequently lanticellated
Bark greyish black, longitudinally fissured.
Leaves simple. alternate, interstipules
present, stipules ovate, entire, acute, basal curved, green, punescent,
lamina cordate, 17.5 cm long and 16.0
cm wide, coriaceous, entire, or slightly wavy, acuminate, dorsiventral,
rough, unicostate reticulate venation conspicuouse
Inflorescence cyme, tow flowers on each
peduncle, one mature while other young, bracteate, paired, bracts ovate,
entire, acute
Flower bisexual, complete, regular, 4
cm long and 5 cm across, pentamerous
Sepals 5, gamosepalous, 5 long lobes,
inferior, rosaceous, valvate, each lobe 1.2 cm long and 0.7 cm wide, entire,
acute, pubescent, outer whitish green with rough surface, inner shiny with
smooth surface, persistent, alternate to corolla.
petals 5, polypetalous, twisted, slightly
fused at base, obovate, wrinkle, curved, crimson eye spot found in base
at inner side, glabrous, longitudinal 10 - 12 yellow white veins upward
Stamens 10, monadelphous, filament fuse
to form staminal column, surrounding style
Anther bilobed, kidney shaped, yellow,
extrose, basifixed
Carpels 5, syncarpous, ovary superior,
globose, whitish green, two locules, many ovules in each locule, axile
Styel 1, terminal, white, 2 cm long, terete,
stigma 5, short, cylindrical, pink yellow, gregarious, minute glands on
the stigma.
Fruit a capsule, globose with 5 persistent
calyx and epicalyx, dehisced into 5 parts through 5 longitudinal sutures.